My Weekend Challenge: Casually Use "Avuncular" in a Conversation

Time spent on book: 3 hours
Words written: @400
Grade for the day: C+

When I first heard the word "avuncular," I was listening to (wait for it...) NPR. Journalist Jack Beatty deployed this vocabutastic gem when referencing some or another political figure. I was probably driving my Subaru at the time. You know, on my way to get a growler of craft beer. I might even have been wearing a Vampire Weekend shirt.


I eventually looked it up and discovered that this adjective means "of or relating to an uncle." If you punch "avuncular" in to Google News, the word appears often in relation to dude politicians. Some examples...

Washington Post
Warren Harding’s relationship to the neighborhood as a future president may have been somewhat less avuncular (than Taft's) 
When Bloomberg went live with his weekly call-in show, he had the avuncular John Gambling by his side, a legacy radio personality not known for his confrontational style.
 Huffington Post (I think this one wins the Avuncular Award)
If Reagan was an avuncular father figure, Trump is “Daddy’s come home with a belt in his hand.”
As far as adjectives go, this one isn't completely obscure. Still, I'll wager that few of us are familiar with it. 

My goal this weekend, then, is to casually drop "avuncular" into a conversation. Something like, "I still can't understand how John Kasich's avuncular [pause for effect] charm didn't win him more support in Pennsylvania." 

After I do it, I'll make sure to slyly observe the responses. No doubt, I will witness everyone sufficiently dazzled by my sesquipedalian (see what I did there?) vocabulary. 

OK, wow, I think that I just came up with the lamest "weekend challenge" ever. Oh well. My NPR friends would approve.... maybe. 
